A quick google for
interproscan windows
led me to the following, from the InterProScan FAQ
"Is it possible to run InterProScan locally using Perl for Windows?
The InterProScan package contains both perl scripts and binary files
to search through InterPro member databases (Pfam, PRINTS etc). The
search programs are provided by member databases and they have not
windows binaries. So unfortunately you can't run the InterProScan on
the windows machine. You can always run your data using our web form
on InterPro homepage. If you have a big set of sequences, we can run
them locally and at EBI and send the results back to you. We also
think about distribute binaries for cygwin (http://www.cygwin.com/) to
provide a solution for MS-Windows users, but it is not achieved yet."
So the answer is a big NO.
Post by lonemerHi all
i just want to ask if any body try to run interproscan on windows xp
and how
thanks alot