germline gene therapy research around the globe
(too old to reply)
2006-01-24 01:01:06 UTC
hi, to all members. I want to join to "Germline Gene Therapy" research,
but unable to locate a professor that guid me for Phd. If you can
helpme by providing your valuable suggestion for locating the
professor,I shall be very oblige for this help.
Take care
Kevin Karplus
2006-01-24 21:18:09 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.co.in
hi, to all members. I want to join to "Germline Gene Therapy" research,
but unable to locate a professor that guid me for Phd. If you can
helpme by providing your valuable suggestion for locating the
professor,I shall be very oblige for this help.
Take care
Most of the people I know in biotech think that germline gene therapy
is far too dangerous to be ethical. Somatic cell therapy is at least
limited in its effects to the individual being treated.

I don't know if research into human germline gene therapy is even
legal in most developed countries. Anyone here know?

Kevin Karplus ***@soe.ucsc.edu http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/~karplus
Professor of Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz
Undergraduate and Graduate Director, Bioinformatics
(Senior member, IEEE) (Board of Directors & Chair of Education Committee, ISCB)
Affiliations for identification only.
